Show Notes

In the future, this will be formatted as a directory for the show notes of every episode. As of this edit we only have the plot pilot up, so we figured we’d save you the extra click!


****Confused Listeners ****: If you thought this was an educational podcast about conflict theory, fear not. You were and continue to be CORRECT! However, you will have to wait until we release the supplemental analysis episode for the complete nitty-gritty. If you’re not satisfied with that, check out our website for extended show notes, including a full-color bibliography. We wish we could provide all the info right here in your streaming app. Unfortunately, character limitations prevent us from doing so.

!!!!Thank you for tuning in to the premiere installment of the conflict for peace podcast!!!!

Episode description: If you found a time machine, would you use it? If you met someone in the past that knew your name, would you follow them?  If they gave you an impossible task, would you dare attempt it?


This episode’s primary purpose was to establish expository aspects such as the characters, settings, and plot. To do so without adding any educational information would mislead listeners as to the nature of future plot-based episodes. For this reason, we touched upon some introductory level information on conflict management (needs, interests, positions) in addition to information from outside the field. For more information on the sources used for this episode, feel free to visit our website and view the extended show notes.

Works Cited (in order of appearance)


Bentz, A. (2019, March 13). Surviving and thriving in the Great Depression. Wells Fargo History.


Silver Price History | Historical Silver Prices. (n.d.). [Commodity Trading]. SD Bullion. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from

General Dynamics Electric Boat—History. (n.d.). General Dynamic Electric Boat. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from

Phan, T. T. (2020, April 13). The 10 Best-Performing Stocks During The Great Depression. The Hustle.


Pells, R. H., & Romer, C. D. (2020, October 10). Great Depression—Political movements and social change. Encyclopedia Britannica.

de Bromhead, A., Eichengreen, B., & O’Rourke, K. (2012). Right-Wing Political Extremism in the Great Depression (No. w17871; NBER Working Paper Series, p. w17871). National Bureau of Economic Research.


Arbuckle, A. Q. (n.d.). Life in Hoovervilles: The pop up villages of the Great Depression. Mashable. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from

Avis, W. R. (2016). Urban Governance (Topic Guide): 3.2 The informal economy and informal settlements (pp. 28–31). GDSRC.

History com Editors. (2018, November 26). Hoovervilles. HISTORY.


Azariadis, C., & Stachurski, J. (2005). Chapter 5 Poverty Traps. In P. Aghion & S. N. Durlauf (Eds.), Handbook of Economic Growth (1st ed., Vol. 1, pp. 295–384). Elsevier.

-33:31; 41:05; 42:29; 43:20

Fisher, R., & Ury, W. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In (3rd ed.). Penguin Books Ltd.

33:31 DIRECT QUOTATION/EXTREMELY CLOSE PARAPHRASE: “Basic human needs include: security, economic well-being, a sense of belonging, recognition, control over one’s life… As fundamental as they are, basic human needs are easy to overlook” (Fisher et al., 2011 p.50)

-42:29 DIRECT QUOTATION/EXTREMELY CLOSE PARAPHRASE “The most powerful interests are basic human needs” (Fisher et al., 2011 p.50)


Roos, D. (2020, September 21). The Sedition and Espionage Acts Were Designed to Quash Dissent During WWI. HISTORY.

Trickey, E. (2018, June 15). When America’s Most Prominent Socialist Was Jailed for Speaking Out Against World War I. Smithsonian Magazine.


Keiger, D. (1996). The Rise and Fall of American Orphanages. Johns Hopkins Magazine –, April 1996 Issue.

-38:50; 38:59

Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2016). Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts (4th ed.). Polity Press.


Phillips, M. (2012, November 13). The Long Story of U.S. Debt, From 1790 to 2011, in 1 Little Chart. The Atlantic.


Klein, C. (2019, February 12). How Economic Turmoil After WWI Led to the Great Depression. HISTORY.


Keynes, J. M. (1937). General theory of employment. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 51(February 1937), 209–223.


Bastiat, F. (2018). The Economics of Freedom | What Your Professors Won’t Tell You (C. Ruper, Ed.). Jameson Books, Inc.


Baldwin, D. A. (1971). Money and Power. The Journal of Politics, 33(3), 578–614.

McHoul, A., & Grace. (2002). A Foucault Primer: Discourse, Power And The Subject. Melbourne University Press; Routledge.


Jahan, S., Mahmud, A. S., & Papageorgiou, C. (2014). What Is Keynesian Economics? – Back to Basics. Finance and Development, 51(3), 53–54.

-42:53; 42:59; 43:07

Bolton, R. (1979). People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflict. Simon & Schuster, Inc.

-44:07; 44:19

Bianco, W. T., & Canon, D. T. (2018). American Politics Today (Sixth Core Edition). W.W.Norton Company.


Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research, 6(3), 167–191.

Rauchhaus, R. (2009). Evaluating the Nuclear Peace Hypothesis: A Quantitative Approach. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53(2), 258–277.


Enste, D., & Heldman Christina. (2017). Causes and Consequences of Corruption – An Overview of Empirical Results (No. 2/2017; IW-Report, p. 48).

Menocal, A. R., & Taxell, M. (2015). Why corruption matters: Understanding causes, effects and how to address them (p. 112). UK Department for International Development.


Chatfield, C. (1970). World War I and the Liberal Pacifist in the United States. The American Historical Review, 75(7), 1920–1937.


Copenhaver, D. (2019, October 9). Author Post: Leading for the Bell Curve and Not the Extremes. Forbes.


Jones, R. (2016, April 29). Who invented the cash machine? I did – and all I earned was £10. The Guardian.


Hughes, T. A., & Royde-Smith, J. G. (2021, March 14). World War II – Costs of the war. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Royde-Smith, J. G., & Showalter, D. E. (2021, March 17). World War I – Killed, wounded, and missing. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Fernando, M. (2015, June 29). Cultural Relativism. Oxford Bibliographies.


Thank you for listening to the show thus far! We count the seconds until we return to writing, editing, recording, and releasing the rest of the season! We hate to make you wait, but we hope it will have been worthwhile!

In this Episode: Guy introduces the podcast at length. He also defines a few fundamental terms

-Levels of Conflict (as found in):

(Osland et al., 2007) p 343-344

(Ramsbotham et al., 2016) p 10 (not mentioned/used in the episode)

-Conflict Styles (as found in):

(Thomas, 1976) as cited in (Osland et al., 2007) p344-346

                (Bolton, 1979) p117-138

->(Katz & Lawyer, 1985) as cited in (Ramsbotham et al., 2016) (p.17- 19)

-Positions, Interests, and Needs (as found in):

(Ramsbotham et al., 2016) p 23

(Fisher & Ury, 2011) p4-7 42-57

Additional Citations:

On the multidisciplinary nature of conflict studies:

“In order to learn how to address complex conflict systems adequately, the new field had to draw on many disciplines, including politics, international relations, strategic studies, development studies, individuals and social psychology, etc.” (Ramsbotham et al., 2016) p 10

– Star Trek (TOS) EP 1×28: The City on the Edge of Forever (Pevney, 1967)

-Star Trek Communicator Sounds and Misc. Samples (Grindstaff et al., n.d.)

-For Further Information, check out the show notes and bibliography from the previous episode, or browse around the resources page on our home site!

Works Cited

Bolton, R. (1979). People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflict. Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Fisher, R., & Ury, W. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In (3rd ed.). Penguin Books Ltd.

Grindstaff, D., Finlay, J., & Sorokin, J. (n.d.). Star Trek Communicator and Misc. Samples.

Katz, N. H., & Lawyer, J. W. (1985). Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills. Peace Chronicle, Vol. 10(No. 6).

Osland, J. S., Kolb, D. A., Rubin, I. M., & Turner, M. E. (2007). Organizational Behavior: An Experimental Approach (Eighth Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall.

Pevney, J. (1967, April 6). The City On the Edge of Forever (Ep:1×28). In Star Trek (TOS). NBC.

Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2016). Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts (4th ed.). Polity Press.

Thomas, K. W. (1976). Conflict and Conflict Management. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 889–935). Rand McNally.